Study of the reduced competent algorithm compared to a set of convolution algorithms
A.Yu. Bavrina, V.V. Myasnikov

Samara State Aerospace University,
Image Processing Systems Institute оf the RAS

Full text of article: Russian language.

Reduction and build-up operations for the reduced competent algorithm compared to a set of existing sophisticated algorithms are investigated. As actual reference-set algorithms, we use a direct convolution algorithm and the best-known algorithms based on discrete fast orthogonal transformations (with Cooley-Tukey and Good-Thomas decomposition, Raider algorithm for high-frequency waves.) It is shown that their joint use provided by the reduced competent algorithm may lower computational complexity of the generated convolution algorithm with respect to reference-set algorithms.

Key words:
convolution, computational complexity, fast orthogonal transformations, reduced competent algorithm.

Citation:Bavrina AYu, Myasnikov VV. Study of the reduced competent algorithm compared to a set of convolution algorithms [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2008; 32(1): 64-67.


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