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Quo vadis
V. А. Soifer



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Full text of article: Russian language.

DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2014-38-4-589

Pages: 589.

Soifer VA. Quo vadis. Computer Optics 2014; 38(4): 589. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2014-38-4-589.

In the course of 28 years, we have gone from a collection published annually or biannually by the International Center for Scientific & Technical Information of the member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance to a quarterly scientific Journal indexed and abstracted in the international databases 'Scopus' and 'Compendex'. Time poses new challenges: the journal aims to be included into the Russian Web of Science database and into the Web of Science Core Collection in the future. To these ends, we should continue efforts aimed at improving the quality of articles and essentially widening the share of contributing authors not affiliated with the Journal's founders. Currently, the Editorial Board has no plans to introduce major changes in or expand the range of the key research topics covered.
In which way a leading position among the Russian journals that publish articles on related topics in the Russian and English languages can be achieved? New high-quality research papers and a wider range of contributing authors may be attracted if we offer a real opportunity of prompt (within a quarter) and open publication with a free access to the full-text article. In the nearest future, the Journal issues need to be published both in Russian and in English.  
What actions is the Editorial Board planning to take to move toward the goal? 
First, the annual number of issues should be increased. In 2015, five issues in Russian and one issue in English are to be published. Starting with 2016, six issues in Russian and two issues in English will be published annually. Our goal for the next five years is to provide the annual publication of 400-500 research papers.
Second, the specialized software Open Journal System needs to be adopted for communicating with authors and reviewers.
Third, we plan to extend the Editorial Board and essentially reinforce the Publishing department. 
Fourth, the reviewers' pool needs to be enlarged and the review schedules need to be strictly observed. Within a week from the date of the manuscript submission, the Editorial Board needs to obtain consent of two-to-three researchers to do a review. Within two subsequent weeks the reviewers are expected to submit their opinions to the Editorial Board, which are to be sent within a week to the author(s) together with the opinion of a person in charge of the relevant journal topic. Thus, the authors may expect to obtain a substantiated response from the Editorial Board within four weeks. 
The targets set place high demands on the Editorial Board, contributing authors, and reviewers of the Journal. I do hope that the goals outlined will be achieved.

© 2009, IPSI RAS
151, Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443001, Russia; E-mail:journal@computeroptics.ru; Tel: +7 (846) 242-41-24 (Executive secretary), +7 (846) 332-56-22 (Issuing editor), Fax: +7 (846) 332-56-20