Multi-sensor systems for monitoring access to restricted areas: capabilities of the intrusion detection video analytical channel
B.N. Epifancev, A.A. Pyatkov, S.A. Kopeykin


1Siberian State Automobile-Road Academy, Omsk, Russia,

Full text of article: Russian language.


The analysis of research publications dealing with security of critical facilities and their protection from terrorist threats suggests that the multisensor systems proposed in the literature need to be supplemented with a video analytical system to enhance the reliability of detecting the intrusion to the restricted access area and recognition of intruders' intentions. An algorithm for solving the first part of the problem, based on the implementation of the principle of accumulation, is proposed. The issue of recognizing the intruders' intentions is partially addressed. The probabilities of an error of the first and second kind for the proposed intrusion detection algorithm are estimated.

restricted access area, intrusion detection, video analytical system, the principle of accumulation, detection rates.

Epifantsev BN, Pyatkov AA, Kopeykin SA. Multi-sensor systems for monitoring access to restricted areas: capabilities of the intrusion detection video analytical channel. Computer Optics 2016. 40(1). 121-129. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2016-40-1-121-129.


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