Object detection in images with a structural descriptor based on graphs
Zakharov A.A., Barinov A.E., Zhiznyakov A.L., Titov V.S.

Murom Institute (branch),  Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Murom, Russia,
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia


We discuss the development of a structural descriptor for object detection in images. The descriptor is based on a graph, whose vertices are the centers of mass of segment features.  The embedding of the graph in a vector space is implemented using a Young-Householder decomposition and based on differential geometry. Compound curves are used to describe the relationship between the points. The image graph is described by a matrix of curvature parameters. The distance matrix for the graphs of the candidate object and the reference object is calculated using the Hausdorff metric. A multidimensional scaling method is used to represent the results. Images of test objects and images of human faces are used to study the developed approach. A comparison of the developed descriptor with the Viola-Jones method is performed when detecting a human head in the image. The advantage of the developed approach is the image rotational invariance in the plane while searching for objects. The descriptor can detect objects rotated in space by angles of up to 50 degrees. Using the mass centers of segments of features as the graph vertices makes the approach more robust to changes in image acquisition angles in comparison with the approach that uses image features as the graph vertices.

image analysis, objects detection, structural descriptor, graph embedding, computer vision.

Zakharov AA, Barinov AE, Zhiznyakov AL, Titov VS.  Object detection in images with a structural descriptor based on graphs. Computer Optics 2018; 42(2): 283-290. – DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-2-283-290.


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