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Multispectral optoelectronic device for controlling an autonomous mobile platform
V.S. Titov 1, A.G. Spevakov 1, D.V. Primenko 1

Southwest State University,
305040, Russia, Kursk, ul.50 Let Oktyabrya, 94

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-848

Pages: 399-404.

Full text of article: English language.

The paper substantiates the use of multispectral optoelectronic sensors intended to solve the problem of improving the positioning accuracy of autonomous mobile platforms. A mathematical model of the developed device operation has been suggested in the paper. Its distinctive feature is the cooperative processing of signals obtained from sensors operating in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared ranges and lidar. It reduces the computational complexity of detecting dynamic and stationary objects within the field of view of the device by processing data on the diffuse reflectivity of materials. The paper presents the functional organization of a multispectral optoelectronic device that makes it possible to detect and classify working scene objects with less time spending as compared to analogs. In the course of experimental research, the validity of the mathematical model was evaluated and there were obtained empirical data by means of the proposed hardware and software test stand. The accuracy evaluation of the detected object, at a distance of up to 100m inclusive, is within 0.95. At a distance of more than 100 m, it decreases. This is due to the operating range of a lidar. Error in determining spatial coordinates is of exponential character and it also increases sharply at a distance close to 100 m.

multispectral sensor, control device, autonomous mobile platform, image recognition.

Titov VS, Spevakov AG, Primenko DV. Multispectral optoelectronic device for controlling an autonomous mobile platform. Computer Optics 2021; 45(3): 399-404. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-848.


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