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An algorithm of unordered wavefront propagation in terahertz phase retrieval with dense multiplane data acquisition
E.G. Tsiplakova 1, A. Chopard 2,3, N.S. Balbekin 1, O.A. Smolyanskaya 1, J.-B. Perraud 4, J.-P. Guillet 2, P. Mounaix 2, N.V. Petrov 1

ITMO University, 197101, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, Kronverksky Pr. 49;
IMS Laboratory, University of Bordeaux, UMR CNRS 5218,
33405, Talence, France, 351 Cours de la Libération Bâtiment A31;
Lytid SAS, 92120, Montrouge, France, rue la Fontaine 8;
Optikan SAS 33000, Bordeaux, France, rue Permentade 64

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1253

Pages: 901-912.

Full text of article: Russian language.

Iterative phase retrieval algorithms from multiple diffraction patterns in the terahertz (THz) frequency range are a promising tool of computational imaging capable of providing high spatial resolution of reconstructed phase images. One of the commonly used algorithms is SBMIR, which employs multiple intensity distributions of the diffraction object wavefield as input data. Compared with single-frame methods, the multi-plane approach allows for a faster convergence, but requires time-consuming data acquisition from a receiver positioned at a variety of distances from the object. Previously, we proposed a method for THz data acquisition in a single scan mode, which allows one to quickly obtain an exhaustive set of diffraction distributions. In this paper we evaluate an up-to-date phase retrieval algorithm based on the SBMIR/R-SBMIR method (which utilizes stochastic wavefront propagation) on the experimental data captured by a single-scan technique. Unlike a number of conventional phase retrieval algorithms, which may require a series of numerical experiments for determining optimal intensity distributions from a large dataset, disordered propagation of the estimation wavefront guarantees the high-contrast and high-resolution image reconstruction  without pre-setting the parameters. It is shown that the package use of the single-scan technique with the subsequent data processing using the R-SBMIR algorithm has application potential for automation of the multi-plane phase retrieval in the THz range.

phase retrieval, terahertz radiation, iterative algorithm, stochastic optimization, phase imaging, quantum cascade laser.

Tsiplakova EG, Chopard A, Balbekin NS, Smolyanskaya OA, Perraud GB, Guillet JP, Mounaix P, Petrov NV. An algorithm of unordered wavefront propagation in terahertz phase retrieval with dense multiplane data acquisition. Computer Optics 2023; 47(6): 901-912. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1253.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique under grant No. 21-52-15035/21.


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