
Each manuscript is reviewed by two anonymous, independent reviewers. The main evaluation criteria are: quality, originality and innovativeness. Reviewers guarantee that the published manuscripts are of high quality and that the information they contain is correct and up-to-date.

The review is confidential. Information about the reviewer is anonymous for the authors and is intended only for the editorial board. The name of the reviewer may be communicated to the author only with the consent of the reviewer. The principle of single-blind review is applied in the journal.

А review is made in the standard form.
The final part of a review should contain valid conclusions related to the paper in general and a clear recommendation if the paper can be published in the Journal or it should be improved.
In case of a negative review of a manuscript in general (recommendation not to publish the manuscript) a reviewer is to justify his conclusions.
In case a manuscript does not comply with one or some criteria, a reviewer is to indicate the need in paper improval including reviewer recommendations for improvement (specifying author’s discrepancies and mistakes).
The Editorial Board informs an author of the review result.  Papers improved by the author are sent to the same reviewer the second time.

The final decision that a paper should be published after reviewing will be taken by the Editorial Board.

© 2009, IPSI RAS
151, Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443001, Russia;; Tel: +7 (846) 242-41-24 (Executive secretary), +7 (846) 332-56-22 (Issuing editor), Fax: +7 (846) 332-56-20