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Bragg-Fresnel optics and supermirrors
A. Erko,
BESSY GmbH, Rudower Chausse 5, D-12489 Berlin,
Germany and IMT RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
B. Vidal,
URA 843, Facultũ des Sciences de St Jũrome Universitũ d'Aix-Marseille III Avenue Escadrille Normandie- Niemen 13397 Marseille cedex 20, France

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Язык статьи: Английский.

The main principles and some applications of Bragg-Fresnel multilayer optics and X-ray supermirrors are described. An elliptical Bragg-Fresnel multilayer lens (BFML), designed and fabricated in the IMT RAS has been used for 2-dimensional focusing of the white X-ray synchrotron beam. For the beam energy of about 12 KeV the spot size checked with the knife edge method was about 1μm. Applications of BFML and supermirrors in x-ray imaging are discussed .

Erko A, Vidal B. Bragg-Fresnel optics and supermirrors. Computer Optics 1996; 16: 18-22.


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