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Vladimir S. Pavelyev, Michael Duparré* , Barbara Luedge*
Image Processing Systems Institute, Molodogvardejskaya 151, Samara 443001, Russia *
University of Jena, Institute of Applied Optics, Froebelstieg 1,D-07743 Jena, Fed. Rep. Germany
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Страницы: 96-101.
Язык статьи: English.
Laser light modes are beams in whose cross-section the complex amplitude is described by eigenfunctions of the operator of light propagation in the waveguide medium. The fundamental properties of modes are their orthogonality and their ability to retain their structure during propagation for example in a lenslike medium or in free space. Developed diffractive optical elements (DOEs) of MODAN-type open up new promising potentialities of solving the tasks of generation, transformation, superposition of different laser modes and their combinations. Now we present new results obtained by synthesis and investigation of beams consisting of more than one two-dimensional Gaussian laser modes with the same value of propagation constant - multimode dispersionless beams.
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