M. A. Golub

A theoretical investigation is carried out into the effect of quantization of complex transmittance on the performance of optical elements that form the transverse-mode structure of coherent illumination. A quantization model is constructed for the synthesis of optical elements by the methods of computer optics technology using various methods of coding with a carrier. Estimates are derived for the power efficiency of the optical elements subjected to quantization. To maintain accuracy of transverse-mode structure formulation, performance criteria are introduced and related to the parameters of quantization and the physical parameters of the light beam. An algorithm is developed to correct the perturbations due to quantization in the synthesis of mode-affecting elements on a computer. For the Gauss-Hermite modes, analytical expressions are derived and numerical estimates given for the power efficiency and performance in the formulation of a transverse-mode structure.


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  2. M. A. Golub, S. G. Krivoshlykov, A. M. Prokhorov, I. N. Sisakyan and V. A. Soifer. Spatial filters for analysis and formulation of transverse-mode structure of coherent EM radiation. Preprint FIAN SSSR No. 21, Moscow (1983) (in Russian).
  3. I. N. Sisakyan and V. A Soifer. Fine optics synthesized by a computer. 5th Int. Conf. Lasers and their Applications, pp. 23-25. Abstracts. Dresden, G.D.R. (November 1985).
  4. M. A. Golub and V. A. Soifer. Stability of the Karhunen-Loev decomposition and computer-aided synthesis of optimal spatial filters. In: Frequency Methods of Scientific Data Processing, pp. 108-134. NIVTs Press, Puschino (1980) (in Russian).
  5. M. A. Golub and V. A. Soifer. An Algorithm of Field Recovery by a Finite Set of Coefficients of an Orthogonal Decomposition with a Perturbed Basis, pp. 50-55. Trudy MFTI, Dolgoprudnyi (1978) (in Russian).
  6. I. M. Gelfand. Readings in Linear Algebra. Nauka, Moscow (1971).
  7. A. M. Prokhorov (ed.). Handbook of Lasers, Vol. 2, p. 200. Sovetskoye Radio, Moscow (1978).
  8. E. Jahnke, F. Emde and F. Losch. Tables of Higher Functions. McGraw-Hill, New York (1960).

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