A. V. Kobyshev, E. V. Kurmyshev and I. N. Sisakyan

Computer programs developed for numerical evaluation of the Kirchhoff integral for the case of planar optical elements of arbitrary shape were thoroughly tested. The spatial distribution of diffracted wave fields was investigated as a function of shape of planar optical elements and Gaussian inhomogeneities in the irradiance of the illuminating beam. For the axially symmetric problem, analytical representations of the diffraction integral were obtained in the Fraunhofer and Fresnel approximations as a series in Bessel functions. These representations proved to be convenient in studying the asymptotic effect of inhomogeneities in the intensity of the incident beam. The wave field structure was investigated in the neighbourhood of a geometrical optics parabola, a point focus, and an axial segment with uniform distribution of irradiance.


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