G. N. Zhizhin, S. A. Kiseleov, L. A. Kuzik, V. A. Yakovlev

The problem of interference of a metallic surface EM wave (SEMW) and the spatial radiation launched in SEMW excitation is discussed within the impedance approximation.The solution of the parabolic equation for the field above the metal is obtained in terms of special functions. The wave emanating from the metal edge is computed by the Kirchhoff-Huygens diffraction integral. The interference pattern is observed at some distance from the metal specimen in a plane perpendicular to the metal surface. The distances between the extrema of this pattern agree with values obtained in the geometrical optics approximation for two interfering rays, the ray emanating from the metal edge and the spatial ray formed at the slit at which the surface wave is launched. The phase difference between the two rays is controlled by the aperture launching the surface wave, the parameters of the metal specimen and the length of the metal surface. The interference parameters yield the real part of the metal permittivity. This model was used to explain the experimental data for a film of gold deposited on a glass plate in vacuum. Combining the real part of the dielectric constant and the imaginary part determined by measuring the surface wave propagation path gives information on the surface of the metal specimen.


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  2. G. N. Zhizhin, V. I. Silin and V. A. Yakovlev. Effects of diffraction and interference of surface EM waves. Preprint (16) ISAN No. 19. Troitsk (1986) (in Russian).
  3. L. A. Vainshtein. Teoriya diffraktsii i metod faktorizatsii [Diffraction Theory and Factorization Method]. Sovetskoe Radio, tlber Moscow (1966).
  4. D. Marcuse. Light Transmission Optics. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (1972).

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