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Analysis of quasiperiodic and geometric optical solutions of the problem of focusing into an axial segment
L.L. Doskolovich, N.L. Kazansky, V.A. Soifer

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Pages: 4-8.

Full text of article: Russian language.

In this paper, we propose analytical and iterative methods for the design of new “quasiperiodic” DOEs focusing a beam into a segment of an optical axis. On the basis of a computational experiment, a comparative analysis of the efficiency of quasiperiodic and geometric solutions of the problem of focusing into an axial segment is performed .

Doskolovich LL, Kazansky NL, Soifer VA. Analysis of quasiperiodic and geometric optical solutions of the problem of focusing into an axial segment. Computer Optics 1996; 16: 4-8.


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