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Design of lenses for the focusing into a line

L.L. Doskolovich, S.I. Kharitonov, C. Bigliatti1, O.I. Petrova2

Image Processing Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,

1Fiat Research Center, Italy.

2Polytechnic Institute, Togliatti, Russia

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Pages: 29-33.

Full text of article: English language.

A method for designing a curvilinear lens for focusing into a line is proposed. The obtained solutions represent a complex refracting surface in an analytical form expressed through the eikonal distribution along the line. The calculation of a 3-D lens focusing into a line-segment is reduced to a simple design of cylindrical profile with required function of ray-correspondence.

Doskolovich LL, Kharitonov SI, Bigliatti C, Petrova OI. Design of lenses for the focusing into a line. Computer Optics 2000; 20: 29 - 33.


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