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Computation of transient electromagnetic fields in transmission lines

N.L. Kazanskiy1, G.A. Podlipnov3, A.A. Rakhaev2, M.L. Sosnin3

1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

2Samara State Aerospace University

3Directorate for technical development of JSC “AVTOVAZ”

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Pages: 100-105.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The paper considers a technique of the transient analysis of setting an electromagnetic field in longitudinal-regular transmission lines. The authors calculate the influence of the mismatch between the signal source and the load on the temporal characteristics of the electromagnetic field in the Tchamber.

Kazanskiy NL, Podlipnov GA, Rakhaev AA, Sosnin ML. Computation of transient electromagnetic fields in transmission lines. Computer Optics 2000; 20: 100 - 105.


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