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Optimization of a DOE focusing a Gaussian beam into a focal square contour

V.S. Pavelyev1,2

IPSI RAS – Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS,
443001, Samara, Russia, Molodogvardeyskaya 151,
Samara National Research University, 443086, Samara, Russia, Moskovskoye Shosse 34

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Pages: 37-40.

Full text of article: Russian language.

This work is devoted to applying the well-known genetical iterative procedure of finding an extremum of a multivariable function to the calculation of a quantized DOE focusing a Gaussian beam into a rectangle.

DOE, quantized DOE, Gaussian beam, focal square contour, genetical iterative procedure.

Pavelyev VS. Optimization of a DOE focusing a Gaussian beam into a focal square contour. Computer Optics 2001; 22: 37-40.


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