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Diffractive optics in measuring technologies
A.G. Poleshchuk1, V.P. Koronkevich1, V.P. Korolkov1, A.G. Sedukhin1

Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)

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Pages: 86-95.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The development of optics is associated with the widespread application of computer-synthesized diffractive optical elements (DOEs), that modulate the initial wavefront by varying the optical and geometric thickness of the material [1, 2]. The range of DOE applications in various fields of optoelectronics, including laser metrology, is constantly expanding. Due to geometric and wave transformations, new elements allow to design and create optical measuring systems of a new class, where the reference wavefront is determined by the topology (structure) of the element. An example of this is the class of interferometers used to control spherical and aspherical optical surfaces.

diffractive optic, diffractive optical element, DOE, wavefront, optoelectronic, laser metrology, geometric and wave transformation, optical surface.

Poleshchuk AG, Koronkevich VP, Korolkov VP, Sedukhin AG. Diffractive optics in measuring technologies. Computer Optics 2001; 22: 86-95.


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