(22) * << * >> * Russian * English * Content * All Issues
Pages: 100-102.
Full text of article: Russian language.
The paper presents the research results on the application of elements of millimeter-range diffractive quasi-optics in perimeter security systems, microwave systems for television program distribution, and local multipoint communication systems. The possibilities of obtaining circular and cone radiation patterns are considered, algorithms are presented for both optimization of the focusing properties of antennas based on diffractive elements (produced both on a flat and an arbitrary curved surface) and the express analysis of their focusing properties.
diffractive quasi-optics, television program, microwave system, diffractive element.
Minin IV, Minin OV. New possibilities of diffractive quasi-optics. Computer Optics 2001; 22: 100-102.
© 2009, IPSI RAS
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