(24) * << * >> * Russian * English * Content * All Issues
Pages: 99 - 101.
The tasks related to measuring the power distribution over transverse modes of coherent radiation in optical fibers and excitation of particular transverse modes or their groups in a fiber are of practical importance for the research and development of fiber lasers, sensors, and fiber-optic communication lines. This work is devoted to the investigation of the possibility of generating the modes of a stepped optical fiber using binary phase DOEs (MODANs). The modes different from the fundamental one, are excited selectively in an optical fiber using phase binary MODANs.
binary phase DOE, transverse mode, coherent radiation, particular transverse mode, MODAN, sensor, fiber-optic communication line.
Karpeev SV, Pavelyev VS, Duparré M, Luedge B, Schröter Z. Excitation of the modes of a stepped waveguide using binary phase DOEs. Computer Optics 2002; 24: 99-101.
© 2009, IPSI RAS
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