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Diffraction mask for three-dimensional caustic transformation
M.A. Zavyalova1, I.G. Palchikova1
1Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Pages: 63-70.
The authors have developed and investigated a diffraction mask allowing to redistribute the laser beam energy to the outer surface of the lens caustic. The results of mathematical simulation of energy distribution near the focus are presented and confirmed by the results of an experimental study of the caustics of a modulated zone plate with the transmission function of the proposed mask encoded into its structure.
diffraction mask, caustic transformation, laser beam, lens caustic, mathematical simulation, modulated zone, transmission function.
Zavyalova MA, Palchikova IG. Diffraction mask for three-dimensional caustic transformation. Computer Optics 2003; 25: 63-70.
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