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Computer processing of lung scintigraphic images

N.I. Glumov1,2, A.V. Kapishnikov2
1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS
2Samara State Aerospace University

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Pages: 158-164.

The authors have developed the methods of computer processing of scintigrams allowing to objectify the state of capillary blood flow in lungs by a set of computer parameters: the spectral characteristics of activity nonuniformity and the measure of perfusion deficiency. The results of clinical studies, confirming high efficiency of the developed algorithms, are presented.

lung scintigraphic, сomputer processing, image, capillary blood, perfusion deficiency, nonuniformity.

Glumov NI, Kapishnikov AV. Computer processing of lung scintigraphic images. Computer Optics 2003; 25: 158-164.


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