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Measuring biomechanical characteristics of blood vessels for early diagnostics of vascular ocular fundus pathologies

N.Y. Ilyasova 1, 2, A.V. Ustinov 1, 2, A.V.Kupriyanov 1, 2, M.A.Ananyin 2, N.A.Gavrilova 3
1Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS

2Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)
3Moscow State Institute of Medicine and Dentistry

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Pages: 165-169.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The paper discusses the problems of early diagnosis of vascular pathology. A method is suggested that allows to establish the diagnostic markers on the basis of a mathematical model of an ocular fundus fragment. Experimental studies of the computational accuracy of evaluating the global diagnostic parameters were performed. A technology is proposed for the detection of the area of the optic nerve disk and the methods for evaluating the diagnostic parameters of the disk. The developed methods allow to make the differential diagnosis of eye diseases.

vascular ocular, fundus pathologies, biomechanical characteristics, optic nerve disk.

Ilyasova NY, Ustinov AV Kupriyanov AV, Ananyin MA, Gavrilova NA. Measuring biomechanical characteristics of blood vessels for early diagnostics of vascular ocular fundus pathologies. Computer Optics 2005; 27: 165-169.

This work was supported by the Russian-American program Basic Research and Higher Education (BRHE), also supported by the program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Basic Sciences - Medicine, grant RFBR No. 03-01-00642, and grant No. 1007.2003.01 of the President of the Russian Federation.


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