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The electrostatic mechanism of the formation of radioactive clouds

Yu.L. Ratis1,2 I.A. Selezneva1,2
1Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev 

2Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS 

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Pages: 164-168.

This work is devoted to the calculation of the coefficients of nonlinear self-compression and nonlinear diffusion, which are part of the equations describing the kinetics of the chain subatomic reaction of induced β-decay that occurs in vapours of radio phosphorus compounds.

electrostatic mechanism, radioactive cloud, coefficients of nonlinear self-compression, nonlinear diffusion, kinetic, β-decay, radio phosphorus.

Ratis YuL, Selezneva IA. The electrostatic mechanism of the formation of radioactive clouds. Computer Optics 2005; 28: 164-168.


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