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Modification of a parabolic equation for modeling the control of adaptive optical systems
V.K. Bagmanov1, A.K. Sultanov1
1Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Pages: 118-121.
A method of approximate stochastic equivalence is proposed that allows to reduce a parabolic equation describing the optical propagation in a turbulent atmosphere to a Kalman-Bucy equation. The resulting equation can be used to model control systems for adaptive optical systems based on Kalman filters.
Parabolic Equation, Adaptive Optical Systems, approximate stochastic equivalence, Kalman-Bucy equation, Kalman filters
Bagmanov VK, Sultanov AK. Modification of a Parabolic Equation for Modeling the Control of Adaptive Optical Systems. Computer Optics 2006; 29: 118-121.
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