Low-coherent autocorrelation interferometry of scattering and layered media
V.V. Lychagov, D.V. Lyakin, M.D. Modell, V.P. Ryabukho

Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control of the RAS, Saratov, Russia,
Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia,

Harvard Medical School, Harvard, USA

Full text of article: Russian language.

We propose a new method of low-coherent interferometry of scattering and layered media. In this method, optical field with a short temporal coherence length scattered on a sample is directed into the longitudinal  scanning Michelson interferometer for auto-correlation analysis. Object under study is placed outside of the interferometer, and the reference light beam is not required. This method allows us to measure optical thicknesses of layers of a three-dimensional structure of transparent and scattering media. We propose an approximate theory for three-dimensional layered objects with both reflecting properties slowly varying with depth, and sharp boundaries. We discuss possible applications and optical design along with the results of experiments with layered and scattering samples.

Key words:
low-coherent interferometry, Michelson interferometer, scattering and layered media.

Lychagov VV, Lyakin DV, Modell MD, Ryabukho VP. Low-coherent autocorrelation interferometry of scattering and layered media [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(3): 40-51.


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