The direct algorithm for checking graphs isomorphism
A.V. Prolubnikov

Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.

This paper presents an algorithm for solving the graphs isomorphism problem. The algorithm is direct in the sense that it is not a modification of the backtracking recursion scheme upon which the most efficient algorithms are built to solve the problem. The solution of the problem is out of the number of algorithm iterations not exceeding the number of nodes of graphs. It is shown that the algorithm is polynomial by the number of the used elementary computer operations and the used memory. The graph class where the algorithm provides solution to the problem is studied.

Key words:
graphs isomorphism problem, backtracking recursion scheme, nodes of graphs, polynomial algorithm.

Prolubnikov AV. The direct algorithm for checking graphs isomorphism [In Russian]. Computer Optics 2007; 31(3): 86-92.


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