Nanophotonics - the manipulation of light by nanostructures
V.V. Kotlyar
Full text of article: Russian language.
Some interesting results in nanophotonics achieved by top-level research groups over the period of 2004 –2008 are reviewed. Different ways to confine light to nanoscale regions using wire optical nanowaveguides, nano-resonators, and photonic crystals are presented. Notably, light can be confined to a volume 10 – 15 times smaller in size than the wavelength of light in vacuum.
Key words:
nanophotonics, wire optical waveguides and slotted optical waveguides, photonic crystals, Bragg’s mirrors and gratings, photonic-crystal resonators, slow light, photonic crystal lasers, metamaterials, near-field microscopy.
Citation: Kotlyar VV. Nanophotonics - the manipulation of light by nanostructures. Computer Optics 2008; 32(2): 119-35.
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