Formation of the laser radiation to create nanoscale porous materials structures
N.L. Kazanskiy, S.P. Murzin, A.V. Mezhenin, E.L. Osetrov
Full text of article: Russian language.
Dependences of a turn corner of a piece in a focal plane, a focal length and length of a focal piece depending on a turn corner mobile focusator, representing a zone mirror with a working surface in the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid, are certain. The expediency of its application for realization of laser influence with purposefully changeable spatial distribution of capacity is proved. At such influence in near-surface layer solid-crystal material – brass Л63, the nanodimentional porous structure representing the layer reached by copper is formed.
Key words:
mobile focusator, formation of radiation, laser influence, nanodimentional porous structures.
Citation: Kazanskiy NL, Murzin SP, Mezhenin AV. Formation of the laser radiation to create nanoscale porous materials structures. Computer Optics 2008; 32(3): 246-8.
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