Investigation of hydrogen atom radiation under the action of ti:sapphire laser
V.L. Derbov, V.V .Serov, N.I. Teper

Saratov State University,
Saratov State Socio-Economic University

Full text of article: Russian language..

We present the results of numerical modelling of population dynamics in a hydrogen atom under the action of Ti:sapphire laser pulse. The possibility of formation of wave packets, including the states with high values of orbital and magnetic quantum numbers, via multiple transitions between the states of discrete and continuous spectrum under the action of the laser field is investigated. Ionization losses are taken into account by using a realistic model of the continuum. Partial localization of electron density in radial and angular variables is demonstrated. On the basis of direct solution of Schrödinger equation spectral characteristics of atom radiation during laser excitation for estimation of Rydberg wave packet as source of generation in a terahertz range.

Key words: Rydberg states, wave packet, numerical simulation, ultra-short laser pulse, Ti:sapphire laser.


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