Method of parametric estimation of optoelectronic tract of remote sensed optical image formation
A.Yu. Bavrina, V.V. Myasnikov, A.V. Sergeev

Full text of article: Russian language.

Method of definition of a structure and estimation of parameters of optoelectronic tract (OET) is suggested in the work. The method uses the places of «jump» of image intensity function, that occurs on the borders of imaged objects, for obtaining of realizations of sections of amplitude frequency response (AFR) of OET. The principle of the method that allows to fulfill the OET parameters estimation consists in minimization of the criterion that characterizes cumulative value of the difference between realizations of AFR sections and mathematical model of AFR that is known up to these parameters. Experimental investigation illustrates the effectiveness of suggested method of OET structure and parameters estimation and the limits of its competence.

Key words:
optoelectronic tract, amplitude frequency response, parametric estimation, genetic algorithm.


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