Hyperbolic secant lens with a slit for subwavelength light focusing
A.G. Nalimov, V.V. Kotlyar

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DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2013-37-1-19-24.

Full text of article: Russian language.

Pages: 19-24.

A modeling by FDTD method shown, that binary photonic crystal secant hyperbolic micro lens made of Si (n0 = 3,47), with size of 2×5 mm with a slit width of 50 nm and length of 250 nm focuses TM-polarized flat wave in a focal spot near exit surface of lens. Focal spot FWHM size is λ/23, diffractive efficiency of the lens is 44%, and the focal intensity is 10 times more then the intensity of the incident light.

Key words:
superresolution, slit, planar waveguide, gradient lens, Mikaelian lens, subwavelength focusing.

Nalimov AG, Kotlyar VV. Hyperbolic secant lens with a slit for subwavelength light focusing. Computer Optics 2013; 37(1): 19-24. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2013-37-1-19-24.


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