Eigen modes of planar chiral waveguides
N.M. Moiseeva

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DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2014-38-2-198-203

Pages: 198-203.

We find explicit expressions for plane waves in chiral media. Is shown that in the chiral medium between the TE and TM waves type of energy is exchanged during spreading, as well as the reflection from the boundaries of chiral medium with dielectrics. The waves of the right and left circular polarization also in a chiral medium interact. Is shown that waves propagating in a chiral medium without interaction to be found by selecting the appropriate basis of polarization. Using the coordinate transformation we obtain a basis of two waves of elliptical polarization. These waves in the planar chiral waveguide are independent. The reflection matrix received for the basic waves at the "chiral medium-insulator." The calculation of the dispersion curves for independent eigenwaves of elliptical polarization in the chiral planar waveguide.

Key words:
chiral medium, planar waveguide, independent decisions, dispersion equation, total internal reflection, the phase shift of the reflection of light.


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