On the formation of structures in nonequilibrium media in the resonant three-wave interaction
I.P. Zavershinskii, V.S. Krasnoukhov, N.E. Molevich, S.S. Sugak


Samara State Aerospace University,
Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS

Full text of article: Russian language.


A mechanism of formation of flat and spiral solitary structures in nonequilibrium media allowing the resonant three-wave interaction of eigenmodes is proposed. A bifurcations diagram on the 'pump wave amplitude - initial profile width' plane is plotted.

spiral structures, three-wave interaction, non-equilibrium.

Zavershinskii IP, Krasnoukhov VS, Molevich NE, Sugak SS. On the formation of structures in nonequilibrium media in the resonant three-wave interaction. Computer Optics 2015; 39(4): 480-5. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2015-39-4-480-485.


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