An imaging spectrometer based on a discrete interference filter
R.V. Skidanov, À.À. Morozov, À.P. Porfirev, V.A. Blank
Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara, Russia
Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russia
Full text of article: Russian language.
The article describes properties of the spectral filter Edmund Optics (400 – 700 nm). The filter's transmission function is shown to be essentially different from an ideal form claimed by the manufacture. A spectrometer based on this filter is considered. It is shown that even with the filter's spectral transmission function not being very good, it is still possible to generate the desired spectrum with an error of not more than 13 %.
imaging spectrometer, spectral filter, tunable laser.
Skidanov RV, Morozov AA, Porfiriev AP, Blank VA. An imaging spectrometer based on a discrete interference filter. Computer Optics 2015; 39(5): 716-20. DOI: 10.18287/0134-2452-2015-39-5-716-720.
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