Modeling the ‘smartlink connection’ performance
V.S. Nikitin, E.I. Semyonov, A.V. Solostin, V.G. Sharov, S.V. Chayka


Scientific and Technological Center of Physics of Information «Introfizika», Ltd, Rybinsk, Russia,

P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, Rybinsk, Russia

Full text of article: Russian language.


The mathematical model ‘Smartlink connection’ has been extended to include the signal propagation through physical links, signal blurring, and several mechanisms of intensity loss as the signal travels through an optical fiber. Based on this mathematical model, we have developed the software to implement and simulate the circuit-switching and self-healing functions. In the experiments conducted with use of the developed software we studied the self-healing properties of the ‘Smartlink connection’ and evaluated optimal characteristics for the fabrication of a multi-channel signal divider.

fiber optic connections, arrays, lasers, photodiodes.

Nikitin VS, Semyonov EI, Solostin AV, Sharov VG, Chayka SV. Modeling the ‘smartlink connection’ performance. Computer Optics 2016; 40(1): 64-72. – DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2016-40-1-64-72.


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