Full text of article: Russian language.
In this paper we substantiate and develop a new comparative diffusion morphology technique based on filters that allow geometrical changes in the images under comparison. Two alternative interpretations of the morphological projector using “absolute” and “relative” definitions of a morphological image shape are proposed. Diffusion morphology based on superposition of two Pytiev’s projectors on mosaic shapes is considered. Diffusion morphology based on 'reference' filters is proposed as a generalization of the approach. The advantage of using diffusion morphology compared to classical Pytiev’s projective morphology in change detection applications is demonstrated.
mathematical morphology, image matching, diffusion maps.
Lebedev MA, Rubis AYu, Gorbatsevich VS, Vizilter YuV, Vygolov OV. Change detection in segmented images based on reference filters. Computer Optics 2016; 40(1): 80-6. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2016-40-1-80-86..