Automatic control and digital correction of scale and rotation mismatch in stereo pairs
V.G. Chafonova, I.V. Gazeeva, G.V. Tihomirova


Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television

Full text of article: Russian language.


In this article, we propose a method for automatically controlling and correcting the scale and rotation mismatch of stereo pairs using digital image processing. The algorithm of this method is implemented using Matlab. The control of the mentioned parameters is based on the use of special feature detectors, statistical analysis methods and trigonometric relations. The correction is performed with the use of affine transformations.

guidelines stereo pair images, control, correction, scale of the image, rotation, parallax, digital image processing, image analysis, and algorithm.

Chafonova VG, Gazeeva IV, Tihomirova GV. Automatic control and digital correction of scale and rotation mismatch in stereo pairs. Computer Optics 2016; 40(1): 112-120. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2016-40-1-112-120.


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