An approach to synthesizing a 3D nanostructured glass-ceramic material based on intensive high-pressure torsion
A.V. Andrianova, I.L. Vinogradova, A.Kh. Sultanov, I.K. Meshkov, G.I. Abdrakhmanova, E.P. Grakhova, A.A. Ishmiyarov, L.Z. Yantilina
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"Ufa State Aviation Technical University", Ufa, Russia
Full text of article: Russian language.
The paper investigates the possibility of obtaining transparent bulk nanocrystalline pyroceram glass with a 3D-gradient of the refractive index for a mixer of an optical device to control the radiation pattern of an array antenna. The starting material was biphasic. Operating modes are described and photographs of the resulting samples are presented. An optimal method of treatment is identified, comprising the selected heating and cooling modes of samples. The analysis of the degree of deformation due to nanostructural processing of the samples is conducted. The resulting material will be used for the development of fiber-optic telecommunications systems.
nanocrystalline material, pyroceram glass, refractive index, unique scientific installation, all-optical network.
Andrianova AV, Vinogradova IL, Sultanov AKh, Meshkov IK, Abdrakhmanova GI, Grakhova EP, Ishmiyarov AA, Yantilina LZ. An approach to synthesizing a 3D nanostructured glass-ceramic material based on intensive high-pressure torsion. Computer Optics 2016; 40(4): 489-500. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2016-40-4-489-500.
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