Influence of the discreteness of synthetic and digital holograms on their imaging properties
S.N. Koreshev, D.S. Smorodinov, O.V. Nikanorov
St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia
Full text of article: Russian language.
We study in which way the discreteness of synthetic and digital holograms affects their imaging properties, i.e. the structure and quality of the image under restoration. We establish and substantiate requirements to the relationship between the basic parameters of synthesis or recording of a discrete hologram - operating wavelength, the angle of incidence of the reference wave, the size of the minimal object feature, and the hologram sampling period to ensure the matching between the object structures and the reconstructed image. We also examine the possibility of easing these requirements, provided either by modifying the structure of the hologram, or using a frequency substitution effect, characteristic of the discrete structures.
holography, synthetic hologram, digital hologram, discrete structure, imaging properties, method of representation, binarization.
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