Reducing background false positives for face detection in surveillance feed
A.E. Sergeev, A.S. Konushin, V.S. Konushin
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia,
Video Analysis Technologies LLC, Moscow, Russia
Full text of article: Russian language.
This paper addresses a problem of false positive detection filtering in surveillance video streams. We propose two methods. The first one is based on automatic hard negative mining from a video stream, which is then used for fine-tuning of the baseline detector. The second one is the detector output filtering by analyzing the frequency of detection of visually similar samples. We demonstrate the proposed methods on cascade-based detectors, but they can be applied to any detector that can be trained in a reasonable amount of time. Experimental results show that the proposed methods improve both the precision and recall rate, as well as reducing the computational time by 47%.
detectors, pattern recognition, image analysis, machine vision algorithms.
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