Optimal placement of surveillance devices in a three-dimensional environment for blind zone minimization
V.V. Pechenkin, M.S. Korolev


Yu. A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University

Full text of article: Russian language.


This paper discusses the usage of devices of various types and configuration in the developed software for blind zone minimization via optimal placement of the surveillance devices when observing targets in a complex three-dimensional dynamic scene. We describe the architecture of the software complex, the principle of operation of the surveillance devices, and a blind zone detection algorithm.
We propose a formalization of the problem, also describing specific tasks of object visibility definition, reduced to solving the optimization problems of different complexity classes based on a special visibility graph.

surveillance devices, audio sensors, video sensors, placement optimization, visibility, observability.

Pechenkin VV, Korolev MS. Optimal placement of surveillance devices in a three-dimensional environment for blind zone minimization. Computer Optics 2017; 41(2): 245-253. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2017-41-2-245-253.


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