Orbital angular momentum of an astigmatic Hermite-Gaussian beam
Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Porfirev A.P.


Image Processing Systems Institute оf RAS – Branch of the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS, Samara, Russia,
Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia


An explicit formula for the normalized orbital angular momentum (OAM) of an elliptical Hermite-Gaussian (HG) beam of orders (0, n) focused by a cylindrical lens is obtained. In modulus, this OAM can be both greater and smaller than n. If the cylindrical lens focuses not an elliptical, but a conventional HG beam, the latter will also have an OAM that can be both larger and smaller in modulus than that of an elliptical HG beam. For n = 0, this beam converts to an astigmatic Gaussian beam, but, as before, it will still have OAM. With the help of two interferograms, a phase of the astigmatic Gaussian beam is reconstructed, which is then used to calculate the normalized OAM. The values of the OAM calculated by the theoretical formula and using a hybrid method combining modeling with experiment differ only by 6 %.

orbital angular momentum, elliptical Hermite-Gaussian beam, phase reconstruction.

Kotlyar VV, Kovalev AA, Porfirev AP. Orbital angular momentum of an astigmatic Hermite-Gaussian beam. Computer Optics 2018; 42(1): 13-21. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-1-13-21.


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