A real-time semantic segmentation algorithm for aerial imagery
Blokhinov Y.B., Gorbachev V.A., Rakutin Y.O., Nikitin A.D.


State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, Moscow, Russia


We propose a novel effective algorithm for real-time semantic segmentation of images that has the best accuracy in its class. Based on a comparative analysis of preliminary segmentation methods, methods for calculating attributes from image segments, as well as various algorithms of machine learning, the most effective methods in terms of their accuracy and performance are identified. Based on the research results, a modular near real-time algorithm of semantic segmentation is constructed. Training and testing is performed on the ISPRS Vaihingen collection of aerial photos of the visible and IR ranges, to which a pixel map of the terrain heights is attached. An original method for obtaining a normalized nDSM for the original DSM is proposed.

image analysis, pattern recognition, detection, classification, aerial images, DSM, superpixels, feature vector, semantic segmentation, machine learning, conditional random fields.

Blokhinov YB, Gorbachev VA, Rakutin YO, Nikitin AD. A real-time semantic segmentation algorithm for aerial imagery. Computer Optics 2018; 42(1): 141-148. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-1-141-148.


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