A non-coherent holographic correlator based on a digital micromirror device
Rodin V.G.
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia
The possibility of application of a digital micromirror device (DMD) as a spatial light modulator for outputting holographic filters in an optical correlator illuminated by quasi-monochromatic spatially incoherent radiation was discussed. The experimental setup of the optical correlator was assembled using a one-lens scheme. Experiments on the recognition of test objects with the synthesized dynamic holographic filters being output onto the DMD were performed. The results obtained allow one to conclude that object recognition can be successfully performed using the proposed scheme of a non-coherent correlator containing a digital micromirror device.
digital micromirror device (DMD), spatial light modulators, incoherent optical radiation, сorrelators, holographic optical elements.
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