Spectroscopy of cascade multiresonator quantum memory
Perminov N.S., Petrovnin K.V., Gerasimov K.I., Kirillov R.S., Latypov R.R., Sherstyukov O.N., Moiseev S.A.


Kazan Quantum Center, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, Russia,
Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia,
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


We study spectral properties of a cascaded multiresonator microwave quantum memory integrated into a waveguide-resonator system. On the basis of experimental data, we reconstruct the internal parameters of the circuit under study, give estimates of quantum efficiency, and show the possibility of achieving optimal conditions for its realization.

quantum informatics, cascade multiresonator quantum memory, microwave quantum memory, resonator.

Perminov NS, Petrovnin KV, Gerasimov KI, Kirillov RS, Latypov RR, Sherstyukov ON, Moiseev SA. Spectroscopy of cascade multiresonator quantum memory. Computer Optics 2018; 42(4): 614-619. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-4-614-619.


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