Secured RoF segment in subterahertz range providing independent optical modulation of radiochannel frequency characteristics and phased antenna array beamsteering parameter
Vinogradova I.L., Meshkov I.K., Grakhova E.P., Sultanov A.Kh., Bagmanov V.Kh., Voronkova A.V., Gizatulin A.R.
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia
Design principles are proposed for a secure subterahertz RoF segment providing independent optical modulation by radiochannel frequency characteristics and a phased antenna array beamsteering parameter. A design scheme of the RoF segment for the W-range is proposed. The results obtained include co-transmission of two modes (one of which is polarized), radio channel frequency properties control, orbital angular momentum signal shaping, co-transmission of a modulated optical signal and a polarized signal and orbital angular momentum signal. Simulation is carried out for signals with a given spin-orbit state based on a Hamiltonian approach. Results of a phase-amplitude filter calculation are presented.
Radio-over-Fiber, subterahertz W-range, phased antenna array, spatial light modulator, fiber optic communications, and diffractive optical element.
Vinogradova IL, Meshkov IK, Grakhova EP, Sultanov AKh, Bagmanov VKh, Voronkova AV, Gizatulin AR. Secured RoF segment in subterahertz range providing independent optical modulation of radiochannel frequency characteristics and phased antenna array beamsteering parameter. Computer Optics 2018; 42(5): 786-799. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-5-786-799.
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