Fast restoration of a blurred image obtained by a horizontally rotating camera
Kozak A.V., Steinberg B.Y., Steinberg O.B.


Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


A problem of restoration of  a blurred image obtained by a horizontally rotating camera is considered in this paper. The mathematical model of this problem is the convolution equation on a cyclic group. In the previous papers of the authors, the case of a non-singular equation was considered. The general case that admits the degeneracy of the convolution equation is considered in this paper. An algorithm is developed based on which a fast program for recovering blurred images is written. The complexity of the algorithm presented in this paper for the degenerate convolution equation is the same as for the non-singular case. The analysis of calculation errors affecting the image quality is given. The influence of the errors of the algorithm's initial data for a degenerate equation is not higher than for a non-singular case.

optical devices, image processing, machine vision, blurred image, computation errors, convolution.

Kozak AV, Steinberg BY, Steinberg OB. Fast restoration of a blurred image obtained by a horizontally rotating camera. Computer Optics 2018; 42(6): 1046-1053. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2018-42-6-1046-1053.


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