An improved gray-scale transformation method for pseudo-color image enhancement
Gao H., Zeng W., Chen J.
College of Information Science& Engineering, Hunan International Economics University, Changsha 410205, China
Image enhancement is a very important process of image preprocessing and it plays a critical role in the improvement of image quality and the follow-up image analysis, which makes the research of image enhancement algorithm a hot research field. Image enhancement not only needs to strengthen image determination and recognition, but also needs to avoid the consequential color distortion. Pseudo-color enhancement is the technique to map different gray scales of a black-and-white image into a color image. As humans have extremely strong ability in distinguishing different colors visually and relatively weak capacity in discriminating gray scales, so, color the gray-scale changes which cannot be differentiated by human eyes so that they can tell them apart. The mapping function in conventional gray-scale transform method is not working well in dark and low-contrast images. So, this paper comes up with an improved gray-scale transformation algorithm. This algorithm can achieve the enhancement, preserve the image colors, process dark and low-contrast images, reinforce the enhancement and improve the blocking effect. The experiment proves that the enhanced image obtained by the method of this paper can have improved average brightness, natural colors and more detail information and it has good application value.
pseudo-color image enhancement, gray-scale transformation, contrast ratio.
Gao H, Zeng W, Chen J. An improved gray-scale transformation method for pseudo-color image enhancement. Computer Optics 2019; 43(1): 78-82. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2019-43-1-78-82.
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