Efficiency of object identification for binary images
Magdeev R., Tashlinskii Al.
Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Russia, Ulyanovsk,
Telekom.ru LLC, Russia, Ulyanovski
In this paper, a comparative analysis of the correlation-extreme method, the method of contour analysis and the method of stochastic gradient identification in the objects identification for a binary image is carried out. The results are obtained for a situation where possible deformations of an identified object with respect to a pattern can be reduced to a similarity model, that is, the pattern and the object may differ in scale, orientation angle, shift along the base axes, and additive noise. The identification of an object is understood as the recognition of its image with an estimate of the strain parameters relative to the template.
digital image, object recognition, pattern recognition, correlation-extreme algorithm, stochastic gradient identification, incorrect identification probability.
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