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Approaches to moving object detection and parameter estimation in a video sequence for the transport analysis system
B.A. Alpatov 1, P.V. Babayan 1, M.D. Ershov 1

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin, 390005, Ryazan, Russia, Gagarina 59

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DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-701

Pages: 746-756.

Full text of article: Russian language.

The paper discusses different approaches to image and video processing aiming to solve the problems of detecting, tracking and estimating the parameters of moving objects. The developed algorithms for solving these problems are described in relation to the field of transport analytics. When developing the algorithms, attention was given to solving the problems on an embedded platform of video surveillance cameras, which imposes restrictions on the computational complexity. The first (basic) algorithm for moving object detection and parameter estimation is based on processing two associated areas of an image. This algorithm includes a computationally efficient adaptive procedure for evaluating and updating the background component of an image. The procedure is based on the physics of the process of movement of the object of interest through a processing zone. The second algorithm performs object tracking based on an optical flow method initialized by feature points. The third algorithm is based on object segment tracking and is computationally efficient for the implementation on an embedded platform of intelligent cameras. Results of experimental studies of the proposed algorithms are presented, as well as a comparison with some well-known algorithms. It is shown that tracking algorithms can improve the accuracy of moving object parameter estimation. Tracking also reduces the number of classification errors compared to the basic approach to object detection and parameter estimation.

object detection, tracking, parameter estimation, image processing, video sequence analysis, transport analytics.

Alpatov BA, Babayan PV, Ershov MD. Approaches to moving object detection and parameter estimation in video sequence for transport analysis system. Computer Optics 2020; 44(5): 746-756. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-701.

This work was supported by a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and postgraduate students (SP-2578.2018.5).


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